Thursday, August 28, 2008

Making autorun for your Cd..

Making "Autorun" for your CD..
"for educational purposes only!"

Alright, lets say that you have coded a great keylogger or trojan or virus something and you are ready to give it to your friend in a pen drive or a CD.. but you are not sure that your friend would double click on the .exe file.. that is, you're not sure if your friend would execute your code..

now what?

wanna make your code independent? want it to run by itself as soon as the pen drive or CD is inserted in the computer???

if yes then just read this...

1) You open notepad

2) now you writ: [autorun]

Now save it but not as a .txt file but as a .inf file.

But remember! The "Setup_filename.EXE" MUST be replaced with the name of the setup file. And you also need to rember that it is not all of the setup files there are called '.exe but some are called '.msi

3) Now burn your CD with the autorun .inf file included.

4) Now set the CD in you CD drive and wait for the autorun to begin..( or if nothing happens just double-click on the CD drive in "My Computer")

Tutorials for "Cain and Able"

Tutorial for Using 'Cain and Able'..
[Step 1, Finding the target.]-
So first off we need to find a computer or the computer to hack into. So if your plugged in to the LAN, or connected to the WAN, you can begin. Open up Cain and Abel. This program has a built in sniffer feature. A sniffer looks for all IP addresses in the local subnet. Once you have opened up the program click on the sniffer tab, click the Start/Stop sniffer, and then click the blue cross


Another window will pop up, make sure “All host in my subnet” is selected, and then click ok.


It should begin to scan.


Then IP’s, computer names, and mac addresses will show up.
Now remember the IP address of the computer you are going to be breaking into.
If you can’t tell whether the IP address is a computer, router, modem, etc, that’s ok.
During the next step we will begin our trial and error.


-[Part 2, Trial and Error]-

Now, we don’t know if we have our designated target, or if we have a computer or printer, or whatever else is on the LAN or WAN.
If you did get the IP of the target though, I still recommend reading through this section, for it could be helpful later on.
Click on the start menu and go to run, type in cmd, and click ok.
This should bring up the command prompt.
From here we will do most of the hacking.
Now I will be referring to certain commands that need to be inputted into the command prompt.
I will put these commands in quotes, but do not put the quotes in the code when you type it into the prompt.
I am only doing this to avoid confusion.
Let’s get back to the hacking.
Type in “ping (IP address of the target).” For example in this tutorial, “ping”
This will tell us if the target is online.
If the target is not online, either switch to a different target, or try another time. If the target is online, then we can proceed.

-[Part 3, Gathering the Information.]-

Now, input this command “nbtstat –a (IP address of target).” An example would be “nbtstat –a”
This will show us if there is file sharing enabled, and if there is, it will give us the: currently logged on user, workgroup, and computer name.

Ok, you’re probably wondering, “What does all this mean to me?” Well, this is actually very important, without this, the hack would not work. So, let me break it down from the top to bottom. I will just give the first line of information, and then explain the paragraph that follows it.

The information right below the original command says: “Local Area Connection,” this information tells us about our connection through the LAN, and in my case, I am not connected through LAN, so the host is not found, and there is no IP.

The information right below the “Local Area Connection,” is “Wireless Network Connection 2:” It gives us information about the connection to the target through WAN. In my case I am connected through the WAN, so it was able to find the Node IpAddress. The Node IpAddress is the local area IP of the computer you are going to break into.
The NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table, give us the workgroup of our computer, tells us if it is shared, and gives us the computer name. Sometimes it will even give us the currently logged on user, but in my case, it didn’t. BATGIRL is the name of the computer I am trying to connect to. If you look to the right you should see a <20>. This means that file sharing is enabled on BATGIRL. If there was not a <20> to the right of the Name, then you have reached a dead end and need to go find another IP, or quit for now. Below BATGIRL is the computers workgroup, SUPERHEROES. If you are confused about which one is the workgroup, and the computer, look under the Type category to the right of the < > for every Name. If it says UNIQUE, it is one system, such as a printer or computer. If it is GROUP, then it is the workgroup

[Step 4, Breaking In]-

Finally it’s time.
By now we know: that our target is online, our target has file sharing, and our target’s computer name.
So it’s time to break in.
We will now locate the shared drives, folders, files, or printers. Type in “net view \\(IP Address of Target)”
An example for this tutorial would be: “net view \\”
We have our just found our share name. In this case, under the share name is “C,” meaning that the only shared thing on the computer is C. Then to the right, under Type, it says “Disk.” This means that it is the actual C DISK of the computer. The C DISK can sometimes be an entire person’s hard drive.

All's that is left to do is “map” the shared drive onto our computer. This means that we will make a drive on our computer, and all the contents of the targets computer can be accessed through our created network drive. Type in “net use K: \\(IP Address of Target)\(Shared Drive). For my example in this tutorial, “net use K: \\\C.” Ok, let’s say that you plan on doing this again to a different person, do u see the “K after “net use?” This is the letter of the drive that you are making on your computer. It can be any letter you wish, as long as the same letter is not in use by your computer. So it could be “net use G...,” for a different target.

Now, if you disconnect from the WAN or LAN, you will not be able to access this drive, hence the name Network Drive.
The drive will not be deleted after you disconnect though, but you won’t be able to access it until you reconnect to the network.
So if you are doing this for the content of the drive, I recommend dragging the files and folders inside of the drive onto your computer,
because you never know if the target changes the sharing setting.
If you are just doing this to hack something, then go explore it and have some well deserved fun!

How totrack an ip address

"how can u track that ip address"

----->>>first of all, it might be a dynamic IP address tht keeps changing every time you connect.. only the ISP keeps track of who was logged onto IP at what time..
if its a static IP then that person might've used a proxy to send that mail..(hope you know what a proxy does)...

on top of that
he might've used an internet cafe to post you the mail..

ip tracing can atmost give an indication to which city the ip belongs to, not the exact location..

so its not at all simple tracing the ip..

HOWEVER.. here are
Some Visual Tracing Tools


Visual Route


"is there any chance to hack through phishing"

yes, there's a lotta chance tricking the victim into entering his login and password in a fake log in page created by you.. this is called phishing.. it is dome as follows:
1. lets say you wanna hack his orkut passwrd.
2. make a webpage which looks like "orkut" but actually is a fake.
3. now the victim would enter his id and pass into it..
4. the fake log in page would save it and later give it to you..

to do this use a software called "Fishing Bait 2.5"

this software would create a fake log in page of any site you want.. and you won't have to code yourself in HTML.. "how to hack some ones password through password dictionary"

There are two types of passwords crackers :
1. dictionary based
2. Brute Forcers

you're talking about the dictionary based password crackers over here, so about using them..
1. goto
2. get a good password cracker like "john the ripper".
3. use it to crack a password (it would have a pre-made dictionary list of words to try as password)

questions are welcome...

How to break into someone's Email account..


This info is for educational purpose only. Do not misuse it.

If You Don't Have Physical Access

Well of course most of you out there will say that you don't have physical access to your target's computer. That's fine, there still are ways you can gain access into the desired email account without having to have any sort of physical access. For this we are going to go back onto the RAT topic, to explain methods that can be used to fool the user into running the server portion of the RAT (again, a RAT is a trojan) of your choice. Well first we will discuss the basic "send file" technique. This is simply convincing the user of the account you want to access to execute the server portion of your RAT.

To make this convincing, what you will want to do is bind the server.exe to another *.exe file in order to not raise any doubt when the program appears to do nothing when it is executed. For this you can use the tool like any exe file to bind it into another program (make it something like a small game)...

On a side note, make sure the RAT of your choice is a good choice. The program mentioned in the previous section would not be good in this case, since you do need physical access in order to set it up. You will have to find the program of your choice yourself (meaning please don't ask around for any, people consider that annoying behavior).

The reason why is that you need the ip address of the user in order to connect with the newly established server. Yahoo! Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, it really doesn't matter. What you will do is send the file to the user. Now while this transfer is going on you will go to Start, then Run, type in "command", and press Enter. Once the msdos prompt is open, type in "netstat -n", and again, press enter. You will see a list of ip addresses from left to right. The address you will be looking for will be on the right, and the port it's established on will depend on the instant messaging service you are using.
The address you will be looking for will be on the right, and the port it's established on will depend on the instant messaging service you are using. With MSN Messenger it will be remote port 6891, with AOL Instant Messenger it will be remote port 2153, with ICQ it will be remote port 1102, 2431, 2439, 2440, or 2476, and with Yahoo! Messenger it will be remote port 1614.

So once you spot the established connection with the file transfer remote port, then you will take note of the ip address associated with that port. So once the transfer is complete, and the user has executed the server portion of the RAT, then you can use the client portion to sniff out his/her password the next time he/she logs on to his/her account.

Don't think you can get him/her to accept a file from you? Can you at least get him/her to access a certain web page? Then maybe this next technique is something you should look into.

Currently Internet Explorer is quite vulnerable to an exploit that allows you to drop and execute .exe files via malicious scripting within an html document. For this what you will want to do is set up a web page, make sure to actually put something within this page so that the visitor doesn't get too entirely suspicious, and then imbed the below script into your web page so that the server portion of the RAT of your choice is dropped and executed onto the victim's computer...

While you are at it, you will also want to set up an ip logger on the web page so that you can grab the ip address of the user so that you can connect to the newly established server. Here is the source for a php ip logger you can use on your page...

View the folder with the same windows

if you're not able to view the folder in same window... goto ""Tools">>"Folder Options">> "Browse Folders" >> check on "open each folder in its own window."..

this should solve your problem..
and about your other problem..

try accessing "taskman" by pressing "crtl+alt+del"... now see the open processes, "kill" any suspicious process.. but be careful and don't kill a system process..

now goto each drive on the comp and don't double click its icon, instead right click and select explore.. now just delete the file "autorun.inf" completely, coz it looks like the Batch file it is calling in your case, is a virus..

questions are always welcome..

If u r not able to open C: or D: drive from ur system

If you're Not able 2 open C: or D: by double click
Sometimes it happens in windows XP that you are not able to open drives on your hard disk. When you double clicking on the drives icons or right click on the drive>>explore in My computer, the drive does not open.

This problem is generally caused by most of the viruses which infect windows XP system. They block or restrict your access to any of the drives.

But don't worry this is not a big trouble it can be fixed easily.

To Fix:

Normally when a virus infects a windows system which causes a drive opening problem, it automatically creates a file named autorun.inf in the root directory of each drive.

This autorun.inf file is a read only ,hidden and a system file and the folder option is also disabled by the virus. This is deliberately done by the virus in order to protect itself. autorun.inf initiates all the activities that the virus performs when you try to open any drive.

You have to just delete this file and restart your system to correct this problem.
Follow the set of commands below to show and delete the autorun.inf

1. Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open a command prompt window. On this command prompt window type the following steps.

2. type cd\

3. type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf

4. type del autorun.inf

5. now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat steps 3 and 4. Similarly repeat step 5 for all your hard disk partition.

Restart your system and your trouble will be fixed.

Remove a virus from ur Pen Drive

remove the virus from pen drive.. first of all.. delete the file "Autorun.inf" in the pen drive.. and then remove the file containing the virus.. if you wanna know more than tell me what virus, exactly..

Remove a Brontok virus from ur system

How to delete A Virus (like Brontok)
Its the most sticky virus ..
To remove it :

Start ur computer in safe mode with command prompt and type the followinf command to enable registry editor:-

reg delete HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"
and run HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system /v "DisableRegistryTools"

after this ur registry editor is enable
type explorer
go to run and type regedit
then follow the following path :-

on the right side delete the entries which contain 'Brontok' and 'Tok-' words.

after that restart ur system
open registry editor and follow the path to enable folder option in tools menu

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer\ 'NoFolderOption'
delete this entry and restart ur computer

and search *.exe files in all drives (search in hidden files also)
remove all files which are display likes as folder icon.

ur computer is completely free from virus brontok!!

HappY HackinG!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

ethical hacking books&tutorials

Hyperlinks in forum

Hello click me
change to desired link
and Hello click me will be displayed
u can change with other text also

BY pass cd key

Bypass XP CD-Key On Install......!
Bypass XP CD-Key On Install

Using a resource hacker you can edit the XP install files to allow you to have the XP CD key inserted by default, save a lot of time if you frequently reinstall windows. You know how annoying it can be to format and type in your CD-KEY. This trick I expect can be done in other versions like Corp. Edition and Home Edition as well but I haven’t tried.

1) First copy all of the XP files from the CD to a folder on your hard drive.
-may also be done by editing an iso / bin file

2) Load up resource hacker and open the file 'winnt32a.dll' in the 'i386' folder.

3) Go to Dialog > 144 > 1033

4) On the dialog select one of the boxes you insert your Valid CD Key into. Then press Ctrl+o to bring up the Control Editor. In the control editor put the 5 letters/numbers of your key into the caption area that corresponds to you your key. Then repeat this for the other boxes.

5) Perform step 4 for dialogs... 'Dialog > 145 > 1033' and 'Dialog > 158 > 1033'

6) Save the *.dll ('File > save')

7) Jam all the install files back onto a new CD.

If you want it bootable, go read another tutorial on the subject
- or edit this file straight from a your iso / bin file of XP
And whenever you want to install XP you will no longer need to supply your CD-KEY
General Newbie helped supply this

Change ur Processor name

Under Windows XP, Click Start, then RUN Command, “regedit“…
(Without the quote symbols)…

Now please navigate your self to this Registry location,


Now double click, on the key PROCESSORNAMESTRING . Change as you like…

But be careful and do it on your own risk.

fuuny message


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

connect to pc with out any switch and lan






ENJOY ...................

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hack a cyber cafe

Basic overview of this tutorial is if there's some kind of timer or client
software on the computer you're using at the Net Cafe you can hopefully disable it.

Firstly we need to gain access to command prompt (cmd.exe) to do this there's a few

1) The most basic is to go Start/Run/cmd.exe and a black input screen should pop up.
Say that's disabled then we can try some other methods.

2) Press the Windows Logo + R and it will start run up. (hopefully)

3) Navigate your way to C:\WINDOWS\system32 and run cmd.exe from in there.

4) Open notepad type "cmd.exe" without the quotation marks ("") and then
go to File/Save As.. and type the name for the file and have it end with
.bat for example "MyNewFile.bat" and select Save as type and select All Files.

Make sure to save it somewhere you can access it, Like the desktop.

If they have deleted Notepad then go in to Internet Explorer and right click
and select View Source or on the menu bar click View then source and perform the
same process as above.

Once you have done this you can run the file. If you can't open files from the desktop
then go back into Internet Explorer and go to View/Explorer Bar/Folders and navigate to
the Desktop and it will show the saves files on the desktop in a folder type window.

Once you have access to command prompt you can perform some usefull actions e.g shutdown
programs, shutdown other peoples computers, add new accounts.

Ok, well most Net cafes have software running that boots you off of the machine after a certain
ammount of time unless you pay for more time. Well, we don't want that to happen now do we?

Firstly try figure out the Net Cafes timeing/credit softwares name cause this can help.

For more info on the software running we can use the command "tasklist" inside of command prompt.

example: "tasklist" (without quotation marks)

Basicly it brings up all the processes running.

Now say we know the process name for the Net Cafes software we need to disable it. So, how do we do that?
we use "taskkill" >:]

Basicly kills the process we specifcy. Say the Net Cafes software is "Timer.exe" for example and it's shown in
the task list like that we would do this.

example: "taskkill /im Timer.exe /f"

/im : is for image name. Not quite sure what it means, but we need it.

Timer.exe : that's the Net cafes software/process name (example)

/f : Forcefully shuts the program.

Now hopefully your Net Cafes software is terminated and you can freely use their computer with no time restriction.

If you have no luck finding the Net Cafes software name then just try ending processes that Windows Doesn't rely on.

Perhaps you want to have a little fun with people on the network at the Net cafe? well here's a few things for you
to do with command prompt.

Find the people on the network with "net view" and it will list the other computers names on the network.

The shutdown command. Basically the shutdown command will shutdown a computer on the network or your own computer (comes in

example: "shutdown -s -m HJCPwnts -t 20 -c You're being shutdown"

use "shutdown -a" to cancel this action so you don't shut your own computer down.

-s : sets the shutdown action.

-m : specify the computer name (HJCPwts) that's what my computer name would be on the network. (to find out
how to find computer names use net view. It will list the other computer names.)

-t : the time until shutdown in seconds. Just specify it for 0 if you want it instant.

-c : the comment that will be shown on the shutdown window (not needed, but goo to leave the victim a message)

-f : I left this one out because it shuts the applications the user is running down, but add it on the end when doing
it to someone else.

Now for some more stuff. Perhaps we want to create a new account on this computer and login to it? Well, lets do it then. Ok, this is how we do it.

In command prompt type "net user CoolGuy /add" this basically adds a new user by the name of CoolGuy. Simple ehh?
well we have struck a problemo. How the hell do we login to that account? EASY!

In fact we have already covered most of it. We will be using the shutdown command again.

"shutdown -l" : basicly this logs us out and we can log back in with the CoolGuy account.

-l : sets the logout action.

Ok, so you have had your fun with the new account now and you want to get rid of it in case
of the Net Cafe staff finding it. Well that's simple aswell, all we do is..

"net user CoolGuy /delete" and it will delete that user. Make sure to check it has been
deleted by using "net user" and it will show the accounts.

PS This wasn't written by me. I'm just sharing it. All due credit goes to the original poster.

Hack a paypal account

1) The following complete hacking tutorial contains materials that may not be suitable for irresponsible internet users, reader discretion is advised!
2) The hacking method is based on a secretly discovered security flaw in the PayPal ( mailing address confirmation system. It will only work BEFORE PayPal discovers this serious security flaw and fixes it. Take your action FAST!
3) This method works only works for hackers with PayPal accounts with CONFIRMED MAILING ADDRESSES. It will never work for PayPal user without a confirmed mailing address. 4) By strictly following instructions in the following tutorial, you’ll gain unlimited access to various PayPal accounts with confirmed mailing addresses. Use those accounts AT YOUR OWN RISK. You’re responsible for your action!
5) When you use PayPal, NEVER log on to sites that do not start EXACTLY with even if it contains the term “paypal” in it.
COMPLETE TUTORIAL ON HACKING INTO PAYPAL ACCOUNTS: If your in a hurry skip Down to HACKING PROCESS Since its birth in 1998, eBay owned company PayPal ( has become a hugely popular internet banking company, as the brand-new idea of sending money to anyone in the world through Email has won hearts of millions of internet users worldwide, the number of members of PayPal has been skyrocketing since. PayPal is now by far the most successful internet banking company. However, insecurity on the internet has been a great problem since the beginning of the boom of the dotcom economy; all famous computers companies have been victims of hackers from around the globe due to security flaws in its system . Microsoft is recent victim of the W32.Blaster.Worm virus which has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a computer running Microsoft Windows and gain control over it. Microsoft took immediate action after the spread of the virus, however, a considerable amount of computers worldwide have been victimized and the Blaster Worm is still at large. More information on this security flaw in the Microsoft Windows and the nature of the virus can be found at: html Like Microsoft, PayPal is the latest victim of internet hackers. Despite the company’s seemingly perfect security system, a serious security flaw in the ADDRESS CONFIRMATION PROCESS of PayPal’s members’ accounts has been discovered by a few experienced hackers from Russia.
The hacking process has been simplified a while ago and it was revealed on a Russian language hacking website. PayPal was immediately alerted of this security flaw after the Russian language hacking tutorial was published on the website, but in order to prevent its customers from losing trust in internet banking, PayPal chose NOT to alert its customers of this security flaw and has then secretly BANNED numerous online articles that contained information of this security flaw. However, it has been confirmed that due to technical difficulty, PayPal has NOT yet fixed the problem and at this moment right now, anyone can STILL hack into a great number of PayPal accounts with confirmed addresses.
To inform users worldwide of this problem, I’ve attached an English version of the hacking process. Remember, to get the whole thing to work, you MUST STRICTLY follow the instructions and have a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address!

HACKING PROCESS: Every PayPal member is identified by his/her Email and the majority of the PayPal members use Yahoo or Hotmail. After completion of the mailing address confirmation process, usually by adding a CREDIT CARD, PayPal automatically sends the user’s address confirmation info to a mailerbot associated with the user’s Email, in most cases, it’s either a Yahoo mailerbot or Hotmail mailerbot. The security flaw occurs RIGHT HERE! Both Yahoo and Hotmail mailerbots can be confused by a random user and sends out information saved on its server to that user.

To get PayPal account information of numerous random PayPal users from a Yahoo or Hotmail mailerbot, you have to do the following:

1) Log into your homepage, and click on “Profile”, and then click on “Street Address” under “Account Information”.

2) Find the Address whose status is “Home”, and if it says “confirmed”, then please read on. Basically, A Confirmed Address is any address at which you receive your credit card statement. If you receive a credit card bill at this address, you can confirm it by entering your credit card information. This information will only be used to confirm your address. Your card will not be charged by PayPal. So, if your Home address is NOT confirmed, then FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAYPAL AND ADD A CREDIT CARD TO CONFIRM YOUR MAILING ADDRESS.

3) Okay, There are two bots which this will work for. I. If you want account with Yahoo email, then: Log in to your paypal email account and send an Email to: (This is the Yahoo mailerbot described above) In the subject line, write: 0yah3534paypal78verif-0e24 (To confuse the Yahoo mailerbot)
In the email body, please write exactly 11 lines, which MUST BE as follows:
In line 1: Content-Type: text/plain;
In line 2: charset=us-ascii (To make the reply readable)
In line 3: (To confuse the mailerbot)
In line 4: p38ylec00rm::s%% (To make the mailerbot start retrieving information acquired from PayPal.)
In line 5: Your primary email at paypal then coma then the password of this e mail account (To retrieve information from PayPal, The mailerbot now needs an Email which is the primary Email of a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address, you have to use your own Email as a bait Email and you’ll need to receive info of other accounts from this Email too, so be sure this is your primary Email at PayPal.)
In line 6: start (retrieve > 0) (To activate the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 7: verified (*value= = float) (To continue the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 8: Your PayPal password (Now you have to enter your paypal password, as the yahoo mailerbot was programmed in a way that it sends testing info to PayPal who’ll verify each account’s password and confirm it with the Yahoo mailerbot. So in line 8, you have to enter your valid/correct password of your PayPal account.)
In line 9: #searchmsgend72hr (To search for info of PayPal members who had their addresses confirmed in the last 72 hours)
In line 10 send&&idR20034-tsa-0583 (This will make the mailerbot send all the info to your email)
In line 11 #endofmsg (Last step!) Note: Please STRICTLY follow the instruction above and you’ll be guaranteed to get an automatic reply from the confused Yahoo mailerbot! Then you’ll have email, password and all sorts of information of PayPal users who had their mailing addresses confirmed over the last 72 hours.

II.If you want account with hotmail email. Log into your paypal email account and send an Email to: (This is the hotmail mailerbot that deals with PayPal hotmail registration) The hotmail mailerbot was programmed in a very similar way to the yahoo one, however, they’re NOT the same. So you have to strictly follow the instructions below to get it to work.
In the subject line, write: 8hot34mail%%tqui3-paypal-35fe2 (This is how you confuse the Hotmail mailerbot)
In the email body, you have to write 14 lines which must be exactly the same as below:
In line 1: Content-Type: text/plain;
In line 2: charset=us-ascii (To make the reply readable)
In line 3: Lang-set%%eng (To set the language to English)
In line 4: server&& (To confuse the hotmail mailerbot.)
In line 5: p35sqelmms::s%% (To make the mailerbot start retrieving information acquired from PayPal.)
In line 6: Your primary email at paypal then coma then the password of this e mail account(To retrieve information from PayPal, The hotmail mailerbot now needs an Email which is the primary Email of a PayPal account with a confirmed mailing address, you have to use your own hotmail Email as a bait Email and you’ll need to receive info of other accounts from this Email too, so be sure this is your primary Email at PayPal.)
In line 7: /start*a-z%%retrieval/ (To activate the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 8: verified (*value= = float) (To continue the mailerbot’s retrieval function)
In line 9: Your PayPal password (Now you have to enter your paypal password, as the Hotmail mailerbot was programmed in a way that it sends testing info to PayPal who’ll verify each account’s password and confirm it with the Hotmail mailerbot. So now you have to enter your valid/correct password of your PayPal account.)
In line 10: #searchmsgend72hr (To search for info of PayPal members who had their addresses confirmed in the last 72 hours)
In line 11: #searchend (To finish the search on the server)
In line 12: deliver&&return-path<*> (This will make the Hotmail mailerbot send all the info to your email)
In line 13: #endif (Last step) Note: Please STRICTLY follow the instruction above and you’ll be guaranteed to get an automatic reply from the confused Hotmail mailerbot! Then you’ll have email, password and all sorts of information of PayPal users who had their mailing addresses confirmed over the last 72 hours.
REMINDER: Above is the complete tutorial of hacking into PayPal accounts, and here is a reminder of the most important things mentioned above.
1) You must have a confirmed mailing address in your own PayPal account to get the whole thing to work, otherwise neither the yahoo nor hotmail mailerbot will be confused by your code and hence the hacking will fail. You can confirm your mailing address by adding a CREDIT CARD on PayPal.
2) By strictly following the instructions in this tutorial, you’ll have unlimited access to various PayPal accounts, however, YOU MUST USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK! YOU MUST BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS.
3) PayPal will be expected to fix this security flaw in their server very soon, so this ONLY works BEFORE they fix this flaw. TAKE YOUR ACTION FAST, IF YOU DECIDE TO DO IT.
4) For security issues, please remember that any site that does not start with is NOT a real paypal website, please confirm your mailing address ONLY at so that you can succeed in hacking.

Shutdown any pc over messenger

Ok this is a........ Well it's not really a virus of a hack because it doesn't damage anything. But that aside what it will do is shutdown the victim’s computer, this can be put in MSN convos so it is VERY fun to have, and it can also be put in emails and such like things.

1) Right click on desk top, and then go New, then Shortcut.

2) Then in the "type location of the item" you want to type:
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -c "This is a virus"

You can change "this is a virus" to anything you would like that’s just the message that will appear.
The 120 you typed in can also be change at will, this is simply the amount of time they receive in till there computer will shutdown.
Once the code has been entered as you have seen above click next.

My advice would be to rename it something like.... wicked game. Depends on the victim’s age and sex. But make sure you call it something good or the victim won't bother clicking on it.
After you have given it a name click on finish.
You should now have an icon on your desktop that is called "wicked game" or whatever name you gave it.
It is also advised you change the icon to something different.

3) Change name and icon.

4) Now to send it to some one you need to make a compressed file.
This can be done by right clicking on the desktop, New, Compressed file (zipped)
Then another folder should appear on your desktop click on this and drag your shutdown virus into the zipped folder.

5) Once your shutdown virus is in your compressed folder rename it.
Make sure to give it a similar name as to the file inside it like "Great"
Don’t forget to add the .zip at the end.

WARNING! Make sure when you rename the compressed folder to add .zip at the end it is very important.

Now feel free to send it to anyone you...... dislike greatly.

As a safe guard I will tell you how to stop the shutdown count down. Just encase you ever click it your self LOL
Ok go to start, run, type cmd, then in cmd type: shutdown -a

Hack administrator password

If you have lost the Administrator password, you must have the following to recover:

1. A regular user account that can logon locally to your Windows NT Workstation, Server, or PDC whichever you are recovering. If you already have an alternate install of NT, skip to The Process, Set 02.

2. The Windows NT CD-ROM and setup diskettes (winnt /ox to make them from the CD-ROM).

3. Enough room to install a temporary copy of NT (Workstation will suffice, even to recover on a PDC).

4. Your latest Service Pack.

5. The Process:

6. Install a copy of Windows NT as TEMPNT, on any drive. Install your latest Service Pack.

7. Boot the alternate install.

8. At a command prompt, type AT HH:MM /INTERACTIVE CMD /K where HH:MM is 10 minutes from now (or however much time you need to complete the remaining steps and logon to your primary installation).

9. Use Regedt32 to edit:

10. Double click Schedule and click the one sub-key.

11. Double click the Schedule value name in the right hand pane and copy the REG_BINARY string to the clipboard.

12. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and Load Hive from the Registry menu.

13. Navigate to your original installation\System32\Config folder and double-click System.

14. At the Key Name prompt, type ORIGSYS.

15. Navigate to ORIGSYS\Select and remember the value of Current; i.e. n.

16. Browse to ORIGSYS\ControlSet00n\Services\Schedule and if Start is not 0x2, set it to 0x2.

17. With Schedule selected, Add Key from the Edit menu.

18. Type 001 in Key Name and click OK.

19. Select 001 and Add Value name Command as type REG_SZ and set the string to CMD /K.

20. Select 001 and Add Value name Schedule as type REG_BINARY and paste the string from step 06.

21. Select ORIGSYS and Unload Hive from the Registry Menu.

22. Use Conrol Panel / System / Startup... to make your original install the default.

23. At a CMD prompt:
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini edit c:\boot.ini and either change the id of the TEMPNT lines to Maint 4.0 on both entries if you intend to keep this maintenance install or delete them. attrib +r +s +h c:\boot.ini

24. Shutdown and restart your original install.

25. Logon as your user account and wait for HH:MM from step 03.

26. When the CMD prompt opens, it will be under the context of the Schedule user, either the System account or an administrative account. If this machine is the NOT the PDC, type MUSRMGR.EXE, if it is the PDC, type USRMGR.EXE. If you get an error, click YES and type your domain name.

27. Set the Administrator password and logoff.

28. Logon as Administrator.

29. If you are deleted the TEMPNT entries in step 18, delete \TEMPNT

Note: If the Schedule service runs under the context of a Domain Administrator on any member workstation, all you need to recover the PDC Administrator is a network login

Hack reliance,sify and others

First Download this ETHERNET Ip Sniffer called ETHERDETECT

Use the tool to Scan Ip's in your network

Keep Scanning till you get some 200 Ip's ..

Then just change the last 3 digits of your IP Address with the IP's you get In that scanner !!
NOTE:Please save your Ip address somewhere so as to get back to your original ip !

It will say "Ip conflict" error,keep trying with other Ip's untill you succeed.

Sometimes when you will change your Ip you will get same speed that case ..try another ip

..:~Download Link~:..


How to shut down a pc on network

Right click my computer, choose manage (computer management opens).In the left column it says Computer Management (local)
Right click it and choose: Connect to another computer
Select your computer you wish to shut down
Right click (where it used to say computer managment (local)....Then you get the computer information Goto the advanced tab and at the bottom choose Startup and Recovery and click the (mighty) shutdown button.its the super mighty Shut button by Faraz i guess(JK).LOL


if that aint work try looking at this Video


SHUTDOWN [-i | -l | -s | -r | -a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "comment"] [-d upx:yy]

-i Display GUI interface, must be the first option

-l Log off (cannot be used with -m option)

-s Shutdown the computer

-r Shutdown and restart the computer

-a Abort a system shutdown

-m \\computername Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort

-t xx Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds

-c "comment" Shutdown comment (maximum of 127 characters)

-f Forces running applications to close without warning

-d [p]x:yy The reason code for the shutdown
u is the user code
p is a planned shutdown code
xx is the major reason code (positive integer less than 256)
yy is the minor reason code (positive integer less than 65536)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Any full/cracked software

Any full/cracked software
Here is a list of my latest cracked softwares
all are full version,cracked,including serial or key genertor
*Total video converter with serial

*Avast Pro V4.8.1227(Including key maker)

*Isobuster Pro V2.3(Including Key MAker)

*Real Player Gold V11.0.9.372(Patch)

*C and C++ Language

*Oxford Dictionary

*DivX Create Bundle V6.8(Inclu generator)

*Universal Serials

*Windows Blind Enhanced V6.10.55(Patch)

*Peer Guardian(Full)

*Winamp Pro V5.55(Key Maker)

*Joost Beta(Full)

*Modem Booster 5(full)

*Satellite TV PCelite(cracked)

*Winrar Corporate Edition(full)

*Avg 8 Pro(Key maker)

*Smart Movie Converter(full)

Let The Light Flash On Your KeyBoard

Let The Light Flash On Your KeyBoard

these codes when executed makes your Caps,Num,Scroll lock keys flash..
very kewlll...i hav tried it...

1.This piece of code makes ur keyboard a live disco...

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

2.This one makes it looks like a chain of light....

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

*paste any of the two above codes in notepad
*Save as "AnyFileName".vbs
*Run the file
*to stop, launch task manager and then under "Processes" end wscript.exe