Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to break into someone's Email account..


This info is for educational purpose only. Do not misuse it.

If You Don't Have Physical Access

Well of course most of you out there will say that you don't have physical access to your target's computer. That's fine, there still are ways you can gain access into the desired email account without having to have any sort of physical access. For this we are going to go back onto the RAT topic, to explain methods that can be used to fool the user into running the server portion of the RAT (again, a RAT is a trojan) of your choice. Well first we will discuss the basic "send file" technique. This is simply convincing the user of the account you want to access to execute the server portion of your RAT.

To make this convincing, what you will want to do is bind the server.exe to another *.exe file in order to not raise any doubt when the program appears to do nothing when it is executed. For this you can use the tool like any exe file to bind it into another program (make it something like a small game)...

On a side note, make sure the RAT of your choice is a good choice. The program mentioned in the previous section would not be good in this case, since you do need physical access in order to set it up. You will have to find the program of your choice yourself (meaning please don't ask around for any, people consider that annoying behavior).

The reason why is that you need the ip address of the user in order to connect with the newly established server. Yahoo! Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, it really doesn't matter. What you will do is send the file to the user. Now while this transfer is going on you will go to Start, then Run, type in "command", and press Enter. Once the msdos prompt is open, type in "netstat -n", and again, press enter. You will see a list of ip addresses from left to right. The address you will be looking for will be on the right, and the port it's established on will depend on the instant messaging service you are using.
The address you will be looking for will be on the right, and the port it's established on will depend on the instant messaging service you are using. With MSN Messenger it will be remote port 6891, with AOL Instant Messenger it will be remote port 2153, with ICQ it will be remote port 1102, 2431, 2439, 2440, or 2476, and with Yahoo! Messenger it will be remote port 1614.

So once you spot the established connection with the file transfer remote port, then you will take note of the ip address associated with that port. So once the transfer is complete, and the user has executed the server portion of the RAT, then you can use the client portion to sniff out his/her password the next time he/she logs on to his/her account.

Don't think you can get him/her to accept a file from you? Can you at least get him/her to access a certain web page? Then maybe this next technique is something you should look into.

Currently Internet Explorer is quite vulnerable to an exploit that allows you to drop and execute .exe files via malicious scripting within an html document. For this what you will want to do is set up a web page, make sure to actually put something within this page so that the visitor doesn't get too entirely suspicious, and then imbed the below script into your web page so that the server portion of the RAT of your choice is dropped and executed onto the victim's computer...

While you are at it, you will also want to set up an ip logger on the web page so that you can grab the ip address of the user so that you can connect to the newly established server. Here is the source for a php ip logger you can use on your page...

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